Nature is Always Evolving,
And So Are We.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we're excited to present our
refreshing and innovative new packaging design.
Commitment to Sustainability
Sustainability has always been a priority for Origins. Our Global Brand President, Amber
Garrison, shares the thinking behind our recent packaging redesign with our Executive Director of
Global Communications, Alexis Ansley-Benjamin, and explains why it is important.

Our Vision
We strive for packaging that uses a reduction in plastic, recycled content and
FSC-certified cartons, wherever and whenever possible.

**Compared to prior jar format.

What Else Is Different?
We are now using
30% post-consumer
recycled content across all
of our packaging*
*Based on July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 production
volumes shipped to distrubition locations.
All of our new jars
ergonomically designed to
fit the palm of your hand for
a no-slip grip
And our new soothing
and natural colors visually tell
our story through the lens of
nature and science.
Evolution Doesn't Happen Overnight
Led by our Global Packaging Design & Visual Merchandising team, our new look embraces recyclable
materials and mindful design. Executive Director Tamar Teller and Senior Manager Stephanie Kim share how
they landed on the cohesive, intentional, nature-inspired approach.

"It took 6 years, 5 material types and
49 designs to achieve our new intentional,
warm, sophisticated packging"
Tamar Teller,
Origins Global Executive Director Of Packaging
Design & Visual Merchandising
New Look, Same Formulas You Love
During this evolution, you might see both our new and old packaging in the wild. But
don’t worry—the formulas remain exactly the same.